Simulating More Coin Tosses

To really see the long-term pattern in these simulated results, we need to run many, many more repetitions of the sets of %n1% tosses.

  • Again set the Number of tosses to match your class sample size, but now change the Number of repetitions from 1 to 1000.
  • Click theToss Coins button and examine the resulting dotplot. [Option: On the far right in the applet you can check the "Hide coins" box to save some space.] 

(h) So when we set the probability of success to be 0.50, what are reasonably likely (typical) outcomes for the "number of successes" (based on your dotplot)?


Evaluate the study data: But this distribution, although beautiful, by itself really tells us nothing. We need to use it to evaluate the result we observed in our class.

  • In the As extreme as  > box, enter the number of people in your class who put Tim on the left (see your answer to part a!).  Then press the Count button.  Note the "Proportion of samples" output that appears in red on the left.


Saving the output:

(i) Use the Snipping Tool to make a screen capture of your results (your inputs and the resulting dotplot). Remember to save your Word file often.

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